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CMU advanced database systems

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I found very famous and useful youtube channel in Database field. It's name is CMUDatabase.It's a really useful channel for me, because I'm a DBA, so I need to study another DB.

From long time ago, I've wanted to learn lower level data structures, and many types of use case, pros and cons of Database.

I will steadily study the contents of this channel's video, especially the advanced database systems, and make it mine.

01 History of Databases

Relational Database

The first lecture is about history of database.
IMS was the first commercial DataBase System. It operate on IBM designed computer called IMS, and starting in 1966 for Apollo program. IMS database stores data using a hierachical model. Ted Codd was a mathematician working at IBM Research, He saw developers spending their time rewriting IMS and Codasyl program every time the database's schema or layout changed.

1969 paper of a Relational Data Model came out. 1970 Very Second paper came out "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks".

Relational Model Has three parts.

Rleational Model